Topshop Forsaken Nail Polish

Spring and summer has brought beautiful pastels back into the shops. For once I'm putting Essie's Fiji down and trying a different light shade. Topshop always have a beautiful range of shades, from bright, darks, pastels and glitters, I can never make my mind up and usually just leave them but I made the plunge and bought this glossy, iced lilac. I love it, purples can some times be to daring and I have found darker purples don't suit my skin tone all to well, but this looks great with pale skin.
The product its self is good quality, stayed on without chipping for four days, however without a top coat I noticed a slight dullness as the shine didn't last for long. It didn't apply streaky and two coats were all that was needed for a complete opaque manicure. I have had one other Topshop polish of the same size before and have used it for around 6-7 manicures and it is only around half way down the bottle, so at least a good 15 manicures can be achieved from a bottle of this size (in my experience).
Topshop packaging is so cute, and for a high-street brand its not tacky or cheap looking but not high end looking either, just simple and effective. Price wise its only £5, super affordable.
What will be your spring polish?
Emma x


  1. This is such a nice colour - I love grey-toned purples. I might have to pop in to Topshop and buy this!
    My favourite Topshop nail polish is Tidal, it's a very pale grey-blue shade and I love it. In a way it's similar to this so I think you'd like it!
    Lovely blog - new follower :)

    1. I love getting recommendations thank you I will defiantly be checking it out :) and love your blog followed you back

  2. What an interesting color! :))
    lets follow each other? :)


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